Membership Cancellation Policy
Our Auto-Renewal Disclaimer and Cancellation Policy
Your membership with the Kula Community Association is set to automatically renew at the end of each term to ensure uninterrupted access to our benefits and services. The renewal will occur on January 1st of each calendar year at the current membership rate, which is subject to change. You will receive a notification of any rate changes at least twenty days prior to your renewal date. To cancel your membership and avoid the automatic renewal, please notify us at least ten days before the renewal date. Cancellation requests can be submitted
Through your online account, or;
By emailing us at, or;
By mailing us a note of cancellation to the address shown below.
If you choose to cancel, your membership will remain active until the end of the current term.
Contact Us
Kula Community Association
PO Box 417
Kula, Hawaii 96790
Email Address:
Website Address:
Effective as of August 01, 2024